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Our SEO glossary is pretty comprehensive having over 100 technical Internet Marketing and SEO terms and acronyms. |
301 Redirect - An automated response that indicates that a page has moved permanently. |
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Adsense - An ad serving application run by Google Inc that enables ads on a user's webpage. |
Adwords - An ad product that offers pay per click advertising and site-targeted ads in both text and banners |
Affiliate Marketing - Working with other companies/advertisers in a joint effort to advertise products |
Affiliate Program - See Affiliate Marketing |
AJAX (synchronous JavaScript and XML) - Used to create interactive web content asynchronously |
Alt Tag - Alternate text for an image, graphic, etc |
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Anchor Tag - Used for creating links in HTML (i.e. Our Site) |
Anchor Text - The part of a weblink that you can see. (i.e. the blue text for links) |
Android - Google's mobile operating system. It is open source and appears on phones like the Motorola Droid. |
API (Application Programming Interface) - The portion of a program that a user can manipulate to create an interface. |
Apps (Applications)
- Short for Applications, "Apps" are simply programs that a device can run. Term has become more mainstream due to iPhone applications. |
B2B (Business To Business) - A marketing strategy that involves the sale of goods or services between businesses. |
B2C (Business To Consumer) - A marketing strategy that involves the sale of goods or services from a business to its customers. |
Backlink - A hyperlink that comes from an outside source back to your website |
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Black Hat SEO - Attempting to raise a page's rank through disapproved means, such as invisible text. |
- Short for "weblog", originally web server logs, and now it is a collection of journal-like entries used either for personal or business use. |
- See Blog |
Bot (Web Robot)
- Programs that automatically complete simple, repetitive tasks online; such as scanning a website's HTML code. |
Browser - A program used to translate website code (HTML, XML, etc) into a viewable format. |
Cloaking - The practice of showing a search engine robot code that is different than what the user will see in their browser. |
CMS (Content Management System)
- A set of rules or programs designed to manage content, usually online in a cumulative, database, and often collaborative environment. |
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ComScore - A marketing research company that monitors Internet traffic for its subscribers. |
Content - Another word for text information on a webpage. Can refer to music, text, video, etc. |
- The act of moving a person browsing a website to take a beneficial action such as completing a form or making a purchase. |
CPA (Cost Per Acquisition)
- The amount of money paid by advertisers for each action performed (clients gained, etc) |
CPC (Cost Per Click) - The amount of money paid by advertisers for each click on their ads by users. |
CRM (Customer relationship management) - Software used to handle customer information, sales leads, contact info, etc. |
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CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
- A document that predefines certain style characteristics of websites such as background color. |
CTR (Click Through Rate)
- The success of a clickable, online ad. (Users who clicked divided by Times Ad Was Displayed) |
- Website that displays popular news, links, etc based on user submissions |
Display Advertising - A type of ad that includes some form of most media, on the Internet, web banners. (text, video, music) |
Domain Name - The top-level name of a network. Internet example: www.ebay.com vs. www.myspace.com/pics/me |
Dynamic Website - A website with content generated as users view it. Rarely relies on regular HTML. |
Ebay (ebay.com) - An online marketplace where auction-style bidding takes place, as well as outright purchasing. |
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Ecommerce - Electronic commerce is the act of doing business over the Internet. |
Email Marketing - Similar to mailing out postcards or newsletters, email marketing is simply using the Internet to accomplish this. |
- The current leader in Social Networking. Allows for addition of friends, businesses, etc. Free to join |
Firefox - Open source web browser currently taking up a large market share. |
Flash - A coding language/web plugin that allows for creation of impressive graphical content, video streaming, and more |
- An online photo album site. |
Forum - A collection of message boards which allow for user interaction |
Google - Top search engine on the Internet. Also provides email and many other free features. |
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Google Adsense
- See Adsense |
Google Adwords
- See Ad words |
Google Analytics - A free service from Google that analyzes traffic to a website. |
Google PageRank - System of rating webpages based on their content, as well as their connectedness to other sites around the Web with quality content. |
Host - The computer or server providing content. |
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) - The building blocks of webpages. |
Impression - "The count of a delivered basic advertising unit from an ad distribution point." Impressions are how most Web advertising is sold and the cost is quoted in terms of the cost per thousand impressions. (2010, wikipedia) |
Javascript - Coding language used in web content to create scripts to automate processes, among other things. |
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Keywords - Words or phrases that define or are directly related to a particular topic. Words that define your website. |
Keyword Density - The amount of times a keyword or phrase appears in a given body of text or webpage. Integral to being noticed by Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing. |
Landing Page - A page before the homepage on a website that provides a sort of welcome or pertinent information to the site. |
Latent Semantic Indexing - is an indexing and retrieval method that uses a mathematical technique called Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to identify patterns in the relationships between the terms and concepts contained in an unstructured collection of text. LSI is based on the principle that words that are used in the same contexts tend to have similar meanings. (2010, wikipedia) |
Link Building - The process of linking one website to others, keeping in mind that prospective links must be evaluated first. |
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- A social networking site for working professionals. More formal than Facebook or MySpace |
Local Search - Using a search engine with geographical limitations imposed. (i.e. restaurants in Hunt Valley) |
Marketing - The act of promoting your business, product, or service to the public through various means so as to produce interest in the item. |
Merchants - Those who sell goods/services to others. |
Meta Data - A way to describe files, usually dealing with characteristics of the item being described |
Meta Tags
- Used in HTML and XML to add structure to metadata. Common meta tags are description, keywords, robots. Example: <meta name="description" content="A short statement to describe the content of the webpage"> |
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- A news aggregate site |
Mobile Device
- Any technological device whose main characteristic is its portability. (iPhone, Blackberry, Gameboy) |
- A social networking site. |
Organic Search
- Search results based on how related the websites are to the keywords/phrase entered into the search engine |
Paid Link Building
- Similar to Link Building, only these sites require payment to include webpages in their directories |
Paid Search - A form of contextual advertising,which scans a page for keywords and then tailors advertisements to those keywords |
- a link analyzing algorithm developed and trademarked by Google which assigns a number between 0 and 10 to web pages by measuring a page´s relative importance. |
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Pay Per Click - See Cost Per Click |
PPC - See Cost Per Click |
Reciprocal Link - A link placed on a webpage in return for the same treatment on another website. |
RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
- An XML document that provides users with information from a website. Usually news feeds. |
Search Engine
- A website that uses a proprietary program to search through its indexes of the Internet and allows users to take advantage of the system. |
Search Engine Marketing - see SEM |
Search Engine Optimization - See SEO |
Search Marketing - See SEO |
SEM (Search Engine Marketing) - The process of increasing a website's noticeability on a search engine through SEO and paid search listings |
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SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- Increasing a website's noticeabiliy online through use of many techniques such as link building, keyword density, and several others |
SERP (search engine results page) - The page that lists what a search engine found when prompted |
Social Media - Sharing of video, audio, text, etc, online |
Social Networking - Connecting with people online to exchange information of many kinds |
Spider - A robot or "bot" that scans a webpage's code and pulls out data relevant to the programmers |
Splash Page
- See Landing Page |
Static Website - A website that uses HTML that does not change when different users access it |
- A social link sharing website, similar to DIGG |
Supplemental Results - is a URL residing in Google's supplemental index, a secondary database containing pages of less importance, as measured primarily by Google'sPageRank algorithm. (2010, wikipedia) |
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Title Tag - HTML element that establishes the title of a website as it appears in the top bar of a browser |
TLD (Top Level Domain)
- is one of the domains at the highest level in the hierarchical Domain Name System of the Internet. (Wikipedia) |
- A social networking site that allows users to submit entries of up to 140 characters |
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
- Tells a browser, piece of software,etc where a piece of information is and how to use it |
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) - Organization that determines global standards for web design |
Web 2.0 - The phase of the Internet in which users can directly interact with website content |
Web Analytics - is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. (2010, wikipedia) |
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Web Design - The process of crafting a website and the related elements |
Web Hosting - Keeping someone else's website on your server (with their permission) so that others can access it. |
White Hat SEO
- Performing SEO using approved techniques |
Widgets - Tiny programs that fill very specific functions. I.e. Providing weather details on a webpage |
- Free blogging software used to power many blogs. Can be obvious or hidden. |
- Yahoo.com is a website providing a web portal and a search engine. |
- Social media site that allows for users to upload original video content for global viewing |