Posts Tagged ‘Social Media’
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Friday, November 18th, 2011
If you use Twitter, by now you have probably have a large number of people that you follow as well as a solid following for yourself. One of the quickest ways to build a following besides offering popular content is to follow other users in the hopes that they follow you back or influence other users to check out your content. Are the people that you follow offering useful and relevant information or are they just people you followed in order to increase your presence on the social network? Although this can be a great way to get started, once you have gained a good number of followers these users may no longer be relevant.
Twitter Logo from, Nov 2011 Twitter tools and tips
Twitter Tools and Tips
Managing a professional or company Twitter account is a lot different than managing a personal one, mainly because you are not as lax with your company page as you are with your personal account. A business Twitter page should be all about offering industry, consumer, and company information while an individual page is more often used for social communications with friends and family. It becomes much easier to manage the two if you avoid mixing your personal and professional Tweets.
When to follow someone on Twitter:
- If they keep you informed.
- If they entertain you.
- If they make things easier on you.
- If they are already an active member of your network.
- If they are someone you’d like to get to know.
When Not to Follow Someone on Twitter:
- If the user is not industry related or only use their account for personal tweets.
- If the user still has the default Easter egg avatar or if they use a provocative female as their avatar when it is clearly a man or corporation tweeting.
- If the user doesn’t list anything in their bio. (No website, no location)
- If the
… Read the rest
Tags: follow, follow back, followers, Social Media, social network, Twitter, twitter follow, twitter tools Posted in Social Media Marketing, Social Networking, Twitter | 6 Comments »
Friday, September 16th, 2011
Constructing a website for a business is only the first part of attracting your online customers. There are many factors that determine your position on the search engine results page, one of them being the quality and quantity of your inbound links. In order to increase traffic and gain a good web rank your website should have a significant amount of backlinks. These backlinks should connect with valuable, authoritative, and industry related websites. Gathering backlinks should be a top SEO priority because without them it can be extremely hard to move up in the search engine results or generate more website visibility.
There are a number of ways to build backlinks to your webpages, one of which we mentioned in our previous blog entry, “Reciprocal Linking”. Reciprocal or two way linking is when two websites agree to exchange links with each other. However linking doesn’t always have to be mutual, this type of linking is called one way linking. The following list provides some popular sources and methods of obtaining one way links.
Create Superior Content and Resources:
In addition to creating a visually appealing and easy to use website you will also need to have high quality content or linkbait to draw the attention of visitors. This content is used to influence visitors to link back to your website by sharing your content. When other websites share your content on their website they will typically link back to the original source.
- Create 101 articles that describe the basics of your industry related subject.
- Create Top 10 or 100 lists.
- Lists the top professionals from your industry.
- Create an infographic that displays industry information in an intriguing and exciting way.
- Create free helpful online tools or downloadable software programs.
Start a Blog:
A blog is a handy instrument when it comes to gaining momentum and popularity over the Internet. A Blog has many benefits for example it is an excellent way to reach existing clients and find new… Read the rest
Tags: backlinks, blog, content, inbound links, Links, search engines, Social Media Posted in Backlinks, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011
Most people can agree that social media has drastically changed the way businesses perform online marketing. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have provided businesses with the resources to create detailed portfolios and interact freely with their customers. Some companies even believe that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is no longer important and social media should be their main focus.
Does SEO still matter? Social media sites have done a great job of connecting businesses with customers. However even with all the advantages that social media has to offer it shouldn’t replace SEO. Instead social media websites should be thought of as a complement to SEO rather than its substitute.
There are many benefits to using social media like attracting new clients, staying in contact with clients, and the ability to build a positive reputation. It’s clear that due to its popularity social media has begun to push other key SEO elements into the background but that doesn’t mean those elements are not still important. As important as Social media is it remains only one portion of the SEO puzzle. The following is a list of reasons why SEO still matters.
1. SEO Finds The People That Want to Find You!
Social networking will put you in front of other social media users but that doesn’t mean they are customers. With SEO you have a better chance of being found by buyers. Social media is often used to communicate with users that are already part of your circle whereas SEO can be used to draw in users to your circle.
2. SEO Provides More Relevance to Customers!
Social media can increase awareness of your company but with Search Engine Optimization you can specifically target customers seeking your product or service. SEO helps you rank for relevant searches which increases the chance of conversion. Additionally each keyword can be optimized to target a different group of consumers.
3. SEO Enhances The Conversion Process!
As mentioned, SEO focuses more on increasing the chances of conversion. SEO focuses on streamlining the conversion process. Every step… Read the rest
Tags: Internet Marketing, marketing, media, search engine optimization, seo, social, Social Media Posted in Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO, Social Media Marketing | No Comments »
Friday, October 15th, 2010
Hello there! Welcome to the Internet Beacon’s awesome weblog. If you’re here for SEO tips for small businesses, you’ve come to the right place.
When you think of social media, what comes to mind? Well, for most people, it’s Twitter and Facebook. While the latter has been around for a few years more than the former, Twitter has rapidly made a name for itself. Now that Twitter has become such a huge part of social media, the question that arises is where does Twitter place in the ad game? Apparently, very high.
According to recent studies, Twitter ads are doing exceptionally better than Facebook ads. Specifically, the average amount of links clicked on Twitter is 19 per user whereas Facebook comes in at a measly 3. But why? A good guess is that Twitter is simply easier to use. It allows for quicker communication, despite that communication being limited to 140 characters. Another reason could be URL shrinkers. They make the links easier to post and quicker to access.
The take away here is that Twitter is currently outpacing Facebook for shared links. This means that if you want to get people clicking links to your site, Twitter is the place to be. Make your tweets fun, interesting, and relevant and you should have no problem getting people to notice them.
Internet Beacon
Internet Marketing Maryland

Tags: Facebook, marketing, seo, Social Media, Twitter Posted in Advertising, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO | 1 Comment »
Thursday, May 6th, 2010
Hey everyone, Josh here from the Internet Beacon. The Internet Beacon is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firm located in Maryland. What we do, SEO, is a form of Internet Marketing. Much like traditional advertising, SEO is all about getting your name out there. In this case, we’re working to get your website in front of customers through search engines like Google and Yahoo. For more information, check out our SEO Answers page, SEO Glossary, and our blog posts on SEO.
Twitter is a very popular social media platform right now. For those who don’t know, Twitter is a micro-blogging service, freely available, that allows users to upload 140 character lines of text for the world to see. Now that the world can see it, does it mean people are actually reading them? Here are some tips for getting more Twitter followers.
Dive In
Find other popular Twitter users and follow them. Then, retweet (repost another user’s tweets while giving them credit) for others to see. Also, make sure to reply to other user’s tweets. This is similar to leaving a comment on blogs. You may see other people follow you as a result.
Be A Trendsetter
Trending topics are a way for users to have conversations with the world about specific ideas. Using a # sign, called a hashtag, followed by a word or phrase, marks your tweet with a topic. For example, if you want to talk about dog training tips, you might tweet “Getting my dog to jump through hoops is really hard. #dogtrainingtips” Then, people who use the dogtrainingtips hashtag will see your tweet.
Look Around You
Putting your location into Twitter will make it possible for other people in your area to find you. Also, with the advent of GPS in phones and Twitter on cell phones, you can search for Twitter users within a specific radius. This is great if you want to get involved in local affairs, but be careful; this will be a search with every local user. Specifying whom you want to track will be a bit more difficult.
That’s all for this week. We’ll see you back next week.
Internet Beacon
SEO Baltimore

Tags: Growing Online, Social Media, Tweets, Twitter Posted in Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Twitter | No Comments »