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Thursday, June 17th, 2010
Greetings, Josh here from the Internet Beacon. We´re a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firm located in Reisterstown, Maryland. What we do, SEO, is a subcategory of Internet Marketing. Similar to traditional advertising, SEO is all about getting your Brand out there. In this case, we´re working to get your website in front of customers through search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. For more quick, useful information, check out our SEO Answers page, our SEO Glossary, and our blog posts on SEO.
Congratulations on building a website/having someone build it for you! You’re starting out online and your website design is fantastic. You have awesome content, animated menus, and links to social media. Now, that’s all well and good, but who is going to see it? Ah, the age-old problem of promotion. Well, there are several search engines out there that will pick up your site if linked properly. Today, let’s talk about Alexa.
Alexa is a powerful search engine that works based on how many pages they archive, as well as how many people visit the site. So yes, traffic is important. The way Alexa tracks traffic is interesting. Aside from looking at how a site is linked to others, the Alexa Toolbar is something Alexa uses to track the popularity of a website.
This leads to an interesting idea that Alexa uses a form of social media to determine your website’s popularity. The cool part is that people can help to promote your website without having to do anything but visit it. The downside is that they need the Alexa Toolbar to do this.
Now, they do get their data from this tool as well as searches, but it is also a combination of what they call “reach”. Reach means that they see how many visits your website gets. They give the example of Yahoo on their FAQ section. Essentially, since 28% of users on the Internet go to Yahoo, its reach is 28%.
Alexa is not to be overlooked when promoting your website. As with other promotion means, a link on your homepage will definitely help. Also, make sure to use the Alexa toolbar while browsing the web, since it will help Alexa get a better look at your favorite sites.
-Josh Internet Beacon
SEO Maryland

Tags: Alexa -, internet, marketing, page rank, ranking, seo, seo tools, website Posted in Alexa - | No Comments »
Thursday, June 3rd, 2010
Howdy, Josh here from the Internet Beacon. We´re a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firm located in Reisterstown, Maryland. What we do, SEO, is a subcategory of Internet Marketing. Similar to traditional advertising, SEO is all about getting your Brand out there. In this case, we´re working to get your website in front of customers through search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. For more quick, useful information, check out our SEO Answers page, our SEO Glossary, and our blog posts on SEO.
You´ve got a website. Congratulations! Now it´s time to put some content on there. You know that the more you have, the better your site will do online. This is a mixture of Google´s PageRank system, pages indexed by sites like Yahoo! and Alexa, as well as the actual content on your page. This is where a lot of people are tempted to build giant sites that are really just the same page or two duplicated over and over again. This is a terrible idea.
There are many reasons why you should not simply bombard a web server with the same pages. First, no one is going to like your website. I know that search engines are important, but they are not the be-all/end-all of the Internet. The fact of the matter is, PEOPLE are going to look at your website. If they hate it because it´s 1,000 page of the same thing, no one will ever come back. In fact, they´ll likely tell their friends to steer clear of your site.
Second, search engines are not stupid. Think about it. You´re relying on software to make your website more popular; do you think they don´t know what´s going on? I can answer that: they do. Google, like all search engines, searches the text on your page. Therefore, they have checks in place to make sure that your content is not duplicated. Avoid duplication when building your site. The big guys know what you´re up to.
That´s all for this week. Check back again next week for more tips on web development and SEO.
Internet Beacon
SEO Maryland

Tags: content, engines, Google, internet, marketing, page, search, search engines, seo, site, website Posted in Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO | No Comments »
Thursday, May 20th, 2010

Knowing Your Target Audience In Your Store and Online
Hey, Josh here from the Internet Beacon. We are a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firm located in Maryland. What we do, SEO, is a subcategory of Internet Marketing. Similar to traditional advertising, SEO is all about getting your Brand out there. In this case, we’re working to get your website in front of customers through search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. For more quick, useful information, check out our SEO Answers page, our SEO Glossary, and our blog posts on SEO.
While we here at Internet Beacon specialize in Internet Marketing, what we don’t specialize in is each individual client’s target market. That it not to say we can’t help you with this area. It does mean that if you already know your target market, working together goes faster and smoother. To this end, here are some tips on how to get to know your target market.
First, see who buys your products. This sounds easier than it is, but it is important. If you have a storefront, keep track of who comes in. Then, note who buys things and who browses. If you have a large amount of teenagers coming in to buy things, then you need to make sure you are reaching that market. If your store specifically caters to a particular crowd, like stay-at-home moms, take steps to ensure they are being targeted by your marketing. This will extend to your presence online as well.
Second, tailor your website to reflect not only your business’ offerings, but also the type of clientele you are trying to reach. If your store sells extreme sports merchandise, your website needs to show this. Don’t use boring colors or plain advertisements. This is an area in which we can assist you. We will meet with you and get your feedback on how you want your website to look. From there, we go to work using your specifications. Remember, getting your target demographic to notice you means getting to know… Read the rest
Tags: internet, Internet Marketing, market, marketing, online, seo, store, target, target audience, target market, website Posted in Internet Marketing, Marketing Plan, Search Engine Optimization SEO | No Comments »
Thursday, April 15th, 2010
Hey everyone, Josh here from the Internet Beacon. The Internet Beacon is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firm located in Maryland. What we do, SEO, is a form of Internet Marketing. Much like traditional advertising, SEO is all about getting your name out there. In this case, we’re working to get your website in front of customers through search engines like Google and Yahoo. For more information, check out our SEO Answers page, SEO Glossary, and our blog posts on SEO. This week I’d like to give you five tips for growing your business using the Internet.
Perception is Everything
This is true in all walks of life, but especially on the Internet. People don’t get to see the person running the website. All they see is the site itself. If it looks like it was made using a basic text editor by someone’s cousin, that is the impression they get. They don’t notice the actual business as much. For this reason, it is important to have your website designed by a professional. My advice is to start small, and then branch out as necessary. Not every site needs a flashy intro, but they all need to look professional.
Preserve and Optimize your Advertising Budget
Getting your name out there can be challenging on the World Wide Web. It may seem like you are up against anyone and everyone. In some sense, you are. You are up against them for people’s time. So make sure you are taking the right steps to ensure that potential customers see your website before others. To this end, make sure a portion of your advertising budget goes towards Internet Marketing. This is a more and more important part of today’s economy, and you don’t want to miss it.
Build Relationships
While it’s true that your goal is to succeed as a business, few, if any, people can do it alone. This is why it is important to get to know the competition. They may not be as bad as you think. Many might be just… Read the rest
Tags: business, internet, Internet Marketing, marketing, seo, website Posted in Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO | No Comments »
Friday, March 26th, 2010
Hey everyone, Josh here from the Internet Beacon. We’re a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firm located in Finksburg, MD. What we do, SEO, is a form of Internet Marketing. Much like traditional advertising, SEO is all about getting your name out there. In this case, we’re working to get your website in front of customers through search engines like Google and Yahoo. For more information, check out our SEO Answers page and our blog post on SEO. This week, I’d like to talk about creating a buzz in social networking.
Everybody Likes Free Stuff
This is universally true. Whether it’s pens, hats, or coffee mugs, people love getting things for free. Check your desk, odds are you have a pen from a business you’ve visited recently. Promotions on the Internet are similar. You want to give customers something of yours for free so that they come back for more and, at the same time, tell their friends to visit your site. Twitter is great for this. It requires very little interaction on the part of the user, as they simply follow your company name (i.e. @IBeacon) and receive updates from you. Many businesses have used this to attract traffic. They give away free software, consultations, etc. Find what works for you and give it a shot.
People Want the Inside Scoop
Along the lines of giving away free stuff, many people want to know what is going on before others do. You should reward people for their interest in your company. For example, the website Penny Arcade has a mailing list that only sends out a message occasionally, but they always include coupon codes and links that are not publicly broadcast. This is a great way to treat loyal online customers. Try posting a coupon code with limited use on a company Facebook page and see what happens. Remember to plan for a large amount of people taking advantage of these savings. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
Make Friends and Influence People
For sites like LinkedIn and Facebook, grouping options exist for people and… Read the rest
Tags: Blog Hints, company, create, customers, Facebook, internet, marketing, people, rss, seo, website Posted in Blog Hints, Search Engine Optimization SEO | No Comments »
Friday, March 5th, 2010

Welcome to the Internet Beacon blog. My name is Josh. The Internet Beacon is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firm located in Finksburg, MD. SEO is a form of Internet Marketing. What we do is work with you to get your website among the top ranked results for select keywords related to your business. For a more detailed explanation, check out our SEO Answers page and our blog post on SEO.
Today I’d like to talk about avoiding SEO companies that promise the world. What I mean by this is someone who will tell you that they can get your website on the top ten results on Google inside of a week or two; or that they know the “secret” of SEO. The truth is SEO takes a lot of time and work if done properly. If not, you may have just thrown hundreds of dollars away. Here are three things to watch out for when choosing an SEO company.
1) The Promise
You’ve met with the young, fashionable director of SEO at “Marketing, Inc Corporation International” about doing SEO for your small business. He threw around a lot of cool buzzwords and told you that, for a small fee, your site will be the most popular location on the Internet. For the most part, this is obviously an attempt to get your money. Let me say this clearly, it is not possible to become, overnight, the hottest thing on the Internet. Thank this guy for his time and move on.
2) The Secret
The website you’ve discovered has finally “found the secret to SEO”. They can’t tell you how, but they have mastered this process. All they need is your money and they will make your site an Internet phenomenon. This is a lie. There is no secret to SEO. It is a process like anything else. Good SEO takes time and, only after that time, will results begin to surface.
3) The Quick Fix (That Lasts!)
Some SEO providers will tell you that all you need is their one time service to meet your SEO… Read the rest
Tags: Blog Hints, internet, search engine optimization, seo, site, time, website Posted in Search Engine Optimization SEO | No Comments »