Posts Tagged ‘marketing’
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Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011
Most people can agree that social media has drastically changed the way businesses perform online marketing. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have provided businesses with the resources to create detailed portfolios and interact freely with their customers. Some companies even believe that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is no longer important and social media should be their main focus.
Does SEO still matter? Social media sites have done a great job of connecting businesses with customers. However even with all the advantages that social media has to offer it shouldn’t replace SEO. Instead social media websites should be thought of as a complement to SEO rather than its substitute.
There are many benefits to using social media like attracting new clients, staying in contact with clients, and the ability to build a positive reputation. It’s clear that due to its popularity social media has begun to push other key SEO elements into the background but that doesn’t mean those elements are not still important. As important as Social media is it remains only one portion of the SEO puzzle. The following is a list of reasons why SEO still matters.
1. SEO Finds The People That Want to Find You!
Social networking will put you in front of other social media users but that doesn’t mean they are customers. With SEO you have a better chance of being found by buyers. Social media is often used to communicate with users that are already part of your circle whereas SEO can be used to draw in users to your circle.
2. SEO Provides More Relevance to Customers!
Social media can increase awareness of your company but with Search Engine Optimization you can specifically target customers seeking your product or service. SEO helps you rank for relevant searches which increases the chance of conversion. Additionally each keyword can be optimized to target a different group of consumers.
3. SEO Enhances The Conversion Process!
As mentioned, SEO focuses more on increasing the chances of conversion. SEO focuses on streamlining the conversion process. Every step… Read the rest
Tags: Internet Marketing, marketing, media, search engine optimization, seo, social, Social Media Posted in Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO, Social Media Marketing | No Comments »
Thursday, July 7th, 2011
YouTube is a video sharing site that works similar to a video search engine. YouTube differs from a video search engine because it does not utilize crawlers to search the internet for videos. Instead, YouTube relies on users to upload their own video files. Like most social media sites YouTube is a great resource for free marketing. Anyone with an account can upload a YouTube video, the real goal is to increase your presence and offer value or entertainment to the other users. The following tips focus on the various aspects of YouTube video optimization and are designed to increase your YouTube marketing efforts.
from July 2011
Increasing Search Success:
Similar to Search Engine Optimization, one of your objectives is to use terms that your customers are searching for. Using the same words or phrases that are being searched for will make your video much easier to locate. Although they are not specifically designed for YouTube, some of the same tools used for SEO keyword research can also help generate some popular video search terms. With any marketing the step of selecting the right trigger words is vital either with or without the help of a keyword tool.
When it comes to keyword research and competitive analysis users can also gather information in a number of other ways. For example when performing a search on YouTube you can begin your research by paying attention to the auto suggestions that appear when typing. The auto suggestions identify the terms that other users have recently searched for that relate to your video’s topic. Gathering search patterns surrounding your topic enables you to target your audience more appropriately and will guide more traffic to your content. In addition to the search suggestions, YouTube also provides a list of related terms. Along with the related videos and search suggestion a marketer can also take cues from their competition. Performing competitive analysis by viewing the most popular videos on your subject is a sure fire way to generate new ideas… Read the rest
Tags: Internet Marketing, marketing, Video, video optimization, YouTube, YouTube advertising, YouTube video Posted in Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing | No Comments »
Friday, December 24th, 2010
Hello there! Welcome to the Internet Beacon’s awesome weblog. If you’re here for SEO tips for small businesses, you’ve come to the right place.
What better way is there for a company to get simple, convenient, and immediate messages to their customers than micro blogging? That’s exactly what Twitter does by offering an effective and useful tool for companies to employ with limitless possibilities. The rise of Social networking has provided both individuals and businesses with a new and exciting outlet.
Each and everyday millions of users access these social media in order to generate, express and learn concepts from one another. Why wouldn’t your business want to take full advantage of a great resource like Twitter? Still not sure what Twitter is and how to use it check here! Twitter Explained
Twitter will not only let your organization branch out but also show that you’re keeping up with the times. Businesses that are not current with new technologies or are not using tools such as Twitter will always come in second to those embracing the change in technology and social media. Twitter Helps! Express your thoughts, locate resources, build relationships, gain knowledge and generate interest. Can your company afford not to utilize it or an instrument like it?
If you are still weary there is no better reason to advance to the next stage of communication than it simply helps you stay connected. Staying connected to your customers and retaining their future business is a key element for any company, and Twitter offers that. The Twitter communications platform not only connects a business with their customers it also allows real time market research regarding customer feedback. By offering quick insights to the customer’s likes and dislikes Twitter enables companies to see what they are doing right, what they are doing wrong or what they could potentially improve on.
Reliability is a major positive attribute to any company, people need reliability and companies utilizing Twitter communication can offer them an enhanced level of it. Being… Read the rest
Tags: Blog Hints, business, internet, marketing, Twitter Posted in Advertising, Mobile Web, Twitter | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010
Hello there! Welcome to the Internet Beacon’s awesome weblog. If you’re here for SEO tips for small businesses, you’ve come to the right place
<>Twitter is a powerful tool of social media interaction. It allows you to connect with people all over the world in tiny little blurbs. Many companies are utilizing its power to help spread their influence and awareness of their products and services. As an Internet Marketing company, this is part of our focus. Today, we’d like to go over one of Twitter’s many interesting facets, Groups.
<>Similar to lists of friends in your address book or on Facebook, Groups on Twitter allow you to create lists of people online. This can be used for many reasons, from simple organization to ease the process of following others. The latter is why we’re discussing this.
<>Groups on Twitter can be made public. This means that if all of your employees have Twitter accounts, they can be pooled together into “Company X’s Hardworking Employees” and posted online. Then if someone is a fan of your company or organization, they can simply follow the list, instead of adding each person individually. This also makes for greater recognition, when people notice their friends following your list.
<>All in all, Twitter groups are a great addition to the service. The savvy user will take advantage of this free tool and use it to their advantage

Tags: Groups, marketing, Twitter, www Posted in Twitter | 2 Comments »
Friday, November 12th, 2010

Hello there! Welcome to the Internet Beacon’s awesome weblog. If you’re here for SEO tips for small businesses, you’ve come to the right place. If you’ve used any Microsoft backed site in the past two years or so, you’ve no doubt had to install their Silverlight plug-in.
Your business has a slogan, right? Perhaps it’s in your company’s name. Why do you do that? So you can help tell people about your business before they even enter your office. You let the client know that you’re “Best Local Movers” by making that your company name. Well, SEO works off of this. You want clients to find you based on words that describe your business. Qualitative statements are nice, but accurate objective words are better.
When choosing keywords to describe your business, think about your prospective clients. Are they looking for “cleaners” or are they looking for “Reisterstown Cleaners”. Be descriptive and informative. Make sure you use words that tell people about your business. Geographic locations are good. Another consideration should be specific niche markets. Make sure that instead of “Cleaners” you use “Carpet Cleaners”.
Remember, people find you on the Internet based on what YOU tell them. They do the search, but you are the ones to tell them what words match you. Take time and consider how you want to be found. Last tip: don’t use too much marketing speak. You don’t want to come across cheesy or, worse, false.

Tags: internet, keywords, marketing, seo Posted in Search Engine Optimization SEO | 1 Comment »
Friday, October 15th, 2010
Hello there! Welcome to the Internet Beacon’s awesome weblog. If you’re here for SEO tips for small businesses, you’ve come to the right place.
When you think of social media, what comes to mind? Well, for most people, it’s Twitter and Facebook. While the latter has been around for a few years more than the former, Twitter has rapidly made a name for itself. Now that Twitter has become such a huge part of social media, the question that arises is where does Twitter place in the ad game? Apparently, very high.
According to recent studies, Twitter ads are doing exceptionally better than Facebook ads. Specifically, the average amount of links clicked on Twitter is 19 per user whereas Facebook comes in at a measly 3. But why? A good guess is that Twitter is simply easier to use. It allows for quicker communication, despite that communication being limited to 140 characters. Another reason could be URL shrinkers. They make the links easier to post and quicker to access.
The take away here is that Twitter is currently outpacing Facebook for shared links. This means that if you want to get people clicking links to your site, Twitter is the place to be. Make your tweets fun, interesting, and relevant and you should have no problem getting people to notice them.
Internet Beacon
Internet Marketing Maryland

Tags: Facebook, marketing, seo, Social Media, Twitter Posted in Advertising, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO | 1 Comment »
Thursday, September 23rd, 2010
Hello there! Welcome to the Internet Beacon’s awesome weblog. If you’re here for SEO tips for small businesses, you’ve come to the right place.
Marketing is something that all businesses need. Whether you use flyers to notify people of your awesome new lemonade stand or skywriting to attract people to the sweet new laser tag center you’ve opened, you need to get people to notice your business. Here at the Internet Beacon, we specialize in Internet Marketing. Now, that means we focus on how to get people to see your website. From there, we then need to convert them to leads. Post Click Marketing comes into play here.
PCM is an emerging trend in Internet Marketing that focuses on turning those visitors into valuable customers. This is done through constant analysis of site visitor data. There are several ways to do this. Keywords are a great place to start. You can track who is coming to your site and, importantly, what keywords they are using to find it. This lets you know how your SEO is working and what needs to be tweaked.
Another focal point of PCM is
Marketing is something that all businesses need. Whether you use flyers to notify people of your awesome new lemonade stand or skywriting to attract people to the sweet new laser tag center you’ve opened, you need to get people to notice your business. Here at the Internet Beacon, we specialize in Internet Marketing. Now, that means we focus on how to get people to see your website. From there, we then need to convert them to leads. Post Click Marketing comes into play here.
PCM is an emerging trend in Internet Marketing that focuses on turning those visitors into valuable customers. This is done through constant analysis of site visitor data. There are several ways to do this. Keywords are a great place to start. You can track who is coming to your site and, importantly, what keywords they are using to find it. This lets you know how your SEO is… Read the rest
Tags: get people, Internet Marketing, marketing, PCM, seo, Small Business Posted in Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO | 1 Comment »
Friday, September 10th, 2010
Hello and welcome to the Internet Beacon! We’re an SEO firm in Maryland.
Getting people to listen to what you have to say can be difficult. After all, there are millions of voices all clamoring for the same thing: attention. We want to be heard and we want people to know about our businesses. Well, a blog is one way to do that. It’s been around for years now and people have come to expect them. However, there is an ocean of blogs out there. Something that’s grown in popularity in the last several years is the podcast. Now, if you don’t know what a podcast is, it’s like an internet radio/tv show that’s broadcast out for anyone who finds it. You can find free hosting and recording tools online, and it really just requires a microphone and a cast. You can even do one on your own!
Podcasts are great for many reasons. First of all, they’re portable. Just about everyone today has some form of digital media player. It could be their phone or a separate device. The fact is tons of people have them. You can take advantage of our mobile society and create content people can take with them on planes, trains, and…yes, automobiles.
Another great things about Podcasts is that they are easy to do. As I mentioned before, all it takes is a computer, microphone, and some free editing software. As a note, if you have a Mac OS computer made after 2007, it includes a program called GarageBand, which has podcasting features built into it.
Lastly, podcasts have a more personal touch than a blog or other medium. People can hear and sometimes see you. That establishes a connection between a real person (you) and the service/product you are selling. They can see your company as more than a soulless PR machine and as a collective of people working together.
Podcasting is a great way to spread your message on the Internet.
Internet Beacon

Tags: Blog Hints, Blogging, internet, ipod, marketing, podcasts Posted in Blog Hints, Internet Marketing | No Comments »
Wednesday, August 18th, 2010
Hey, Josh here from the Internet Beacon.
Running a business is a time consuming process, especially if you are a small business owner. Your focus is on getting your product or service delivered to the masses. You’re talented in a specific area or areas. However, you need to figure out a way for people to hear about your business. Well, an SEO Expert specializes in getting your name out there. Here are some reasons why you should hire one to promote your business.
Just like you know how to do what you do best, an SEO expert knows how this process works. They’ve specialized in how to market your website efficiently. Trust them to take care of this process. This way you can focus on what you do best, running your business.
Lots of things seem cheaper to do on your own at the start. Sure, you can fix that noise in your car. Sure, you can take care of that pesky plumbing issue. Only once more problems have arisen does it turn out to cost a lot more than hiring a professional. The same goes with SEO. Letting a professional manage your Internet Marketing will not only save you money long term, but also time.
Getting Results
This is a combination of the first two reasons, as well as many other factors. In the end, a professional will get better results. They know the ins and outs of an industry that might be entirely foreign to you. Lots of people aren’t as Internet savvy as they’d like. So let the professionals deliver a quality service to you.
Internet Beacon
More info on SEO, check out our SEO Answers page, our SEO Glossary, and our blog posts on SEO.
SEM – Search Engine Marketing in Maryland

Tags: business, Internet Marketing, marketing, seo, Small Business, Suggestions Posted in Search Engine Optimization SEO | 2 Comments »
Thursday, August 12th, 2010
Hey, Josh here from the InternetBeacon.
Google, as we all know, is powered by advertising. It hardly makes sense to be in the search engine biz unless you can make a little money. Well, Google makes a lot of money. A large part of how they do that is a program called AdWords. AdWords is a marketing tool that allows you to design custom ads that will appear alongside search results from the Google engine. Let’s take a look at how it works.
First, you tell Google what kind of ad you want to post. For our purposes, let’s say simple text. Rather than making you go through an elaborate process, they have a simple, fill-in field system that lets you describe what you are advertising. Formatting and the like are all taken care of by Google. Part of this is determining the keywords you want to use for this ad. This will tell Google when to display your ads. If you aren’t keen on using text only, you can also opt for image ads using their web-based software.
As far as paying for these ads goes, it’s pretty simple. These ads are what we call Pay-Per-Click. This means that you only pay when someone using Google actually clicks on your website’s ad. You can set how much you are willing to pay as well as how much your budget is for that day. This keeps you from racking up a huge bill without noticing.
AdWords is a successful part of the Google brand. For those looking to get started marketing their business or for those who want to expand their reach, AdWords is worth a look.
More info on SEO, check out our SEO Answers page, our SEO Glossary, and our blog posts on SEO.
Internet Beacon

Tags: ads, AdWords, Google, marketing, search engines, seo Posted in Internet Marketing, Marketing Plan, Search Engine Optimization SEO | 2 Comments »