For bloggers there is nothing better than seeing readers engaged and contributing their input to the discussion. We often write blogs to pass on information to visitors and it is often challenging to see that the topic has sparked minimal reactions or comments from the blog readers. Unless you’re an extremely popular blogger we look for comments to quantify how many people are receiving our information and find it helpful.
Although people may be utilizing the resource that is provided an author won’t exactly know if it was useful unless their readers tell them or become active in the discussion or a Tweet. For bloggers a main goal is to not only to share the information but also to connect with readers by assisting people across the web. Whether it is sharing recent news, instructions, support, or information they found interesting, bloggers may see an increase in visitors using analytics but won’t really know how the information came across without user feedback.
There are a number of factors that readers often take into account when deciding if they are going to comment on the subject or join the discussion. Some of these factors include the following:
Blog Page Rank:
It may not be the most important factor because a link is a link regardless of page rank and readers will see it as a method to point or direct traffic to their own website. However keep in mind that most users focus on blogs with high page ranks because they are trying to gain more link equity through their comment links.
Blog Topic:
Even with a low page rank is you choose the right topic it will still be able to engage the reader and encourage comments. A good topic should be current, informative, and possibly controversial.
Author and Writing Style:
Every author has their own style or type of language they use when communicating. Readers want to be able to connect with and understand an author when reading their work. Keep in mind that although it is important to
Why Blog Comment Backlinks Don’t Always Help Your SEO
Friday, September 23rd, 2011When search engines like Google determine a website’s relevance for an associated keyword, they consider the quantity and quality of inbound links to that site. Inbound links with content related to your site they are thought to be more relevant and a more valuable SEO factor. In short, websites with the most relevant content to your website will produce the best quality inbound links.
High quality links are obtained through a number of different methods, one of which is leaving comments on other blogs. In addition to looking good in the eyes of the search engines, leaving your website’s URL on industry related blogs is a good way to direct new users to your content. For several reasons however leaving blog comments will not always produce the preferred results. The following are explanations why blog comments don’t always help your search engine optimization efforts as well as some of the things you should look for when pursuing blog comment backlinks.
Why Blog Comments Sometimes Don’t Help:
The impact that blog comments have on SEO depend on both the blog’s restrictions and the type of comment that you post. Some of the reasons why the comments that you leave on blogs might not contribute to your SEO are
Most blogs require that you use a human name when leaving a comment on their posts. The name you use to post is extremely important, having a too common name or using a company name will often be ignored. Sometimes blogs will even state that you must use a real name in order for your… Read the rest
Tags: blog, blog comments, inbound link, link juice, no follow
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