Archive for the ‘Internet Marketing’ Category
Description of ‘Internet Marketing’ Category:
The union of the creative and the technical characteristics of the Internet to promote your website by enhancing it’s design, development, advertising, and sales. Using techniques such as banner ads, email marketing, search engine marketing (SEM), and search engine optimization (SEO).
Thursday, July 7th, 2011
YouTube is a video sharing site that works similar to a video search engine. YouTube differs from a video search engine because it does not utilize crawlers to search the internet for videos. Instead, YouTube relies on users to upload their own video files. Like most social media sites YouTube is a great resource for free marketing. Anyone with an account can upload a YouTube video, the real goal is to increase your presence and offer value or entertainment to the other users. The following tips focus on the various aspects of YouTube video optimization and are designed to increase your YouTube marketing efforts.
from July 2011
Increasing Search Success:
Similar to Search Engine Optimization, one of your objectives is to use terms that your customers are searching for. Using the same words or phrases that are being searched for will make your video much easier to locate. Although they are not specifically designed for YouTube, some of the same tools used for SEO keyword research can also help generate some popular video search terms. With any marketing the step of selecting the right trigger words is vital either with or without the help of a keyword tool.
When it comes to keyword research and competitive analysis users can also gather information in a number of other ways. For example when performing a search on YouTube you can begin your research by paying attention to the auto suggestions that appear when typing. The auto suggestions identify the terms that other users have recently searched for that relate to your video’s topic. Gathering search patterns surrounding your topic enables you to target your audience more appropriately and will guide more traffic to your content. In addition to the search suggestions, YouTube also provides a list of related terms. Along with the related videos and search suggestion a marketer can also take cues from their competition. Performing competitive analysis by viewing the most popular videos on your subject is a sure fire way to generate new ideas… Read the rest
Tags: Internet Marketing, marketing, Video, video optimization, YouTube, YouTube advertising, YouTube video Posted in Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing | No Comments »
Friday, April 22nd, 2011
Search engines take into consideration a large number of factors when assigning a rank to a website. Although there are a number of factors that are obvious or specifically identified as ranking factors, the majority of the ranking criteria are kept private. Search engines avoid publicizing the exact pieces of the Search Engine Optimization puzzle that they use to determine a rank because it would most likely lead to a massive overflow of irrelevant search results.
Search Engines recognize that if all the sites on the Internet knew the characteristics that they use, then every site would be able to rank higher. Providing this information would make it too easy for website and go against their main goal which is to provide users with the most relevant and useful search results. Clearly expressing the measurements that are used to rank a website would prevent a relevant site from standing out amongst the other results and could potentially place a higher rank on a page that is worst or is less relevant to a user.

Search Engines use both on-the page as well as off-page elements to assign a rank. On-page factors usually focus on internal site structure including keyword use and internal linking where as an off-page aspect considers who you link to, how you link to them, and the popularity or relevance of your links. Some of the factors that are known or thought to be important to ranking well in search engines include:
- Keyword in the pages Title Tag.
- Appropriate and descriptive anchor text of Inbound Links.
- Global Link Popularity of Site.
- Age of domain.
- Link Popularity or equity within the internal link Structure.
- Relevance of an inbound link to the site and the text surrounding that link.
- Keyword use throughout the body copy.
- The popularity or authority of the website providing an inbound link.
With that being said, one of the major factors that search engines do directly distinguish as being harmful to a Websites rank is Duplicate Content. Duplicate Content is best described as a portion or… Read the rest
Tags: content, duplicate, duplicate content, inbound link, link, rank, search, search engine, website Posted in Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO, Web Tips | No Comments »
Friday, April 8th, 2011
Released to a limited number of users on April 2, 2011 and later expanded for the remaining Google account users, Google +1 has introduced another way for users to recommend websites and share their preferences with the rest of the web.
Google +1 from April 2011
The Plus One (+1) feature is not an entirely new concept and is very similar to the “Like” button on Facebook. The major difference seems to be the service’s name and the primary platform which it is utilized on. Similar to Facebook, users can use the +1 option to show that they recommend a website, both on Google as well as on the websites that provide the Plus One option through a widget. In order to take advantage of this new feature a user will need to create a Google account.
Once a user establishes a Google account they can begin selecting the +1 option that appears below each of the search results. After a user has placed their stamp of approval on a listing via the Plus One option, it will appear on a new tab in their Google profile. This newly created tab is where a user is able to manage all of the elements that they have chosen to +1. These options include the ability to remove a recommendation and to choose who has the authority to view the items that you have marked as Plus One. The +1 feature enables you to choose whether the +1’s (recommendations) are private, public, or customized to grant permission to specific users.
If a user decides to keep their Plus One item private they will still be added to the number of people who recommend the site however their profile name will remain hidden. For example below a search result it will display “54 people +1’d this” as opposed to their user name plus the number of other people who have chosen the Plus One option. Users will be able to… Read the rest
Tags: Facebook, Google, Google +1, like, search, search engine, search result, user Posted in Internet Marketing, Search Engines, Social Media Marketing | 1 Comment »
Friday, February 18th, 2011
WordPress is a web-based software that allows users to create and manage websites and blogs. The open source structure enables people from around the world to contribute to and maintain their WordPress website whether on WordPress’ web server or installed on their own web server. Although WordPress initially began as a blog tool it has developed into something so much more. By utilizing plug-ins, widgets, and themes users have the opportunity to fully customize their experience. A plug-in is software that can be added to existing software, like WordPress, which adds a new specific capability to the larger software application. For a full list of WordPress product features visit WordPress Product Features.
There are over thirteen thousand plug-ins available for the WordPress software making it extremely easy to tailor it to your specific uses. The following are some useful SEO plug-ins that the WordPress open source community has provided.
All-in-one SEO plug-ins such as WordPress SEO and SEO Scribe are designed to perform overall multiple SEO tasks that include optimizing content faster, providing great keywords, maintaining reader engagement, constructing quality links and increasing traffic! Most of the all in one SEO plug-ins operate similarly and perform similar functions. The following are among the most utilized all-in-one SEO WordPress plug-ins:
Below is a list of related, individual plug-ins that can be helpful in improving your blog or website’s Search Engine Optimization and enhancing Social Media Marketing:
AddToAny Share/Bookmark/Email:
AddToAny creates a customizable panel that showcases social networking sites. It makes it extremely easy and convenient for a visitor to submit to any social networking sites. The share menu organizes the social media sites according to most visited.
SEO Friendly Images:
The SEO Friendly Images WordPress plug-in automatically adds the “ALT” and “title” attributes to any images on your
… Read the rest
Tags: Blog Hints, link, plug, plugins, search, seo, site, title, Wordpress, wordpress plug ins Posted in Blog Hints, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO, WordPress | No Comments »
Friday, February 11th, 2011
Advertising in any form has the goal to attract more customers and more revenue. Like advertising on television or in print ads, the world of online advertising shares the same purpose.

Basically online advertising sets out to attract customers by using the Internet, with websites and search engines as their medium. The Pay per Click (PPC) advertising model is where a host is compensated each time the promoter’s advertisement is clicked. The Cost per Click (CPC) is the actual amount that is paid out by the advertiser to either the search engine or website owner for each click that occurs. Websites that utilize this type of advertising will often present an advertisement or text link, when there is a common term between the websites keyword query and the advertiser’s keyword list. In other words, when a website has related information to the advertiser, a link will be displayed either on the side or above or in line with the website’s original content depending on the website. There are a couple different variations of pay per click online advertising which include Cost per Mille (CPM ), Cost per Visitor (CPV), Cost per Lead (CPL), Cost per Click (CPC), and Cost per Action (CPA).
When performing a search at a search engine you may have noticed that the results return with sponsored links. The sponsored links appear at the top or sides and the advertisers pay to be in these sponsored links sections. Each time a visitor accesses the site through this link, money is paid to the search engine through a prepaid account with that search engine. In order to achieve a sponsored link location websites, advertisers place bids for the amount of money they are prepared to pay per click. Since there are multiple link positions available, the highest bid is placed at the top, the next highest is placed second and so on. In addition to the websites being able to determine how much they pay per click they can also specify how much they… Read the rest
Tags: advertising, cost, engine, money, search, service, site, website Posted in Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO | No Comments »
Friday, February 4th, 2011
With SEO some primary goals include creating good content, increasing viewer usability, and promoting a website’s popularity, however there are certain practices out there that we avoid. These avoided practices are orchestrated to quickly or prematurely inflate rankings and take advantage of the factors that search engines utilize when ranking sites. These techniques are often referred to as Black Hat Techniques.
While folks assume there are benefits of using such techniques, there are also major downsides. After using Black Hat techniques a website may temporarily hold a high rank, it will most likely not last very long. Some of the other immediate negative consequences include a site being banned, having penalties against it, and could result in web pages being wiped of their search rank value.
Although search engines devote resources and effort to putting a stop to these methods some still exist. Search engines have worked consistently to ensure that white hat methods remain dominant and discourage the use of black hat tactics.
There are quite a few SEO methods out there that can inadvertently land a website in the search engine dog house. Whether a site is flagged, given the penalties, banned, or you just want to know what to avoid here is a brief list of some of the Black Hat SEO methods to avoid as they could cause issues for a web site.
Cloaking is used to deceive the search engines, what a user sees is different compared to what a search engine robot (bot) would find. Although a site that is utilizing a cloaking technique is open to a penalty, or could be banned there are a few acceptable cloaking techniques called White Hat Cloaking.
Manipulative linking occurs in various forms and exploits search engine link popularity. A common method is using link farms, which is where a group of sites hyperlink to all other sites in the group and the process is generally automated. Some other examples of manipulative linking… Read the rest
Tags: black hat SEO, engine, internet, method, search, search engine, seo Posted in Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO | 1 Comment »
Friday, January 28th, 2011
How to Measure the Value of A Link!
If you are familiar with the inner workings of a Search Engine then you probably know that search engines calculate the standing of your website using a number of different factors. Link value analysis is among these factors, which is derived from the quantity and reputation of the other web pages that link to your website. In addition to examining the popularity of connected pages, search engines analyze a website’s primary characteristics such as trustworthiness, spam level (is your website useful), and perceptible authority (legitimacy).
In order to grow the popularity of your website, generate awareness, and increase traffic from search engines it is important to perform link building and analysis. So how do you know the value of a link? Although search engines keep the majority of their ranking factors private, some of the clearer and more notable factors include the following.
- Global Reach: If you want to have a link from a website to your website (a backlink), does that website have quality backlinks to other quality websites, in other words does that website have importance, reach, and scope. Nothing is more impressive than having a well know and hard hitting website in your corner!
- Community Merit: Equally important to websites with global reach are topic specific links that hold merit and commonality to the website on a topic level. Web sites that are in the same business or cover similar topics and industries can provide a stable ranking foundation.
- Anchor Text: Using anchor text is both important on inbound links to your website and navigational links within your website. A well built website can rank higher by using keywords in their anchor text. This anchor text should both describe the link and be a representation of the general content on the target page. It is additionally helpful to use keywords in the anchor text of links guiding traffic to your website. The more onsite and offsite links to your
… Read the rest
Tags: anchor text, backlink, internet, link, website Posted in Backlinks, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO | 2 Comments »
Friday, December 31st, 2010
Hello there! Welcome to the Internet Beacon’s awesome weblog. If you’re here for SEO tips for small businesses, you’ve come to the right place.
For many people, remaining connected is very important and allows them to maximize their potential. The technology of Smartphone’s enables this connection to reach the next level. Now virtually everything an individual can do from their home or office can be accomplished with a mobile device.
The technology that connects us is ever changing but the reason for this connection remains the same. To learn, experience, share, grow and of course simplify our lives. A Smartphone is a perfect example of making our lives easier. Sure Internet, Email, Texting and Video Chatting in the palm of our hands are all great features but the real highlight is the development of Mobile Applications. There are masses of Apps out there for everything and I mean everything. If you need to learn a language, calculate a tip, make an appointment, find a restaurant, use a flashlight, or navigate directions a Smartphone application has you covered. Small gadgets like these are awesome but what are even more impressive are the Apps that make your work routine easier or more convenient when not in your office.
This is why I put together a list of the top ten mobile Apps for SEO professionals. The Apps detailed below are useful tools that simplify daily tasks for Search Engine Optimization and provide individuals with up-to-date information on their accounts. Apps such as these conveniently allow for the management of their clients, their websites, and crucial statistics. You never know when you may need the data available regardless of if it’s to convey it to a client or only to double check a figure. Mobile Apps like these prevent this issue by keeping a detailed record available to you anywhere and at anytime. Each of the links below provides a description of the application. The Apps range in price from… Read the rest
Tags: Apps, internet, Mobile, Mobile SEO, seo, Smartphone Posted in Internet Marketing, Mobile Web, Search Engine Optimization SEO | No Comments »
Friday, October 15th, 2010
Hello there! Welcome to the Internet Beacon’s awesome weblog. If you’re here for SEO tips for small businesses, you’ve come to the right place.
When you think of social media, what comes to mind? Well, for most people, it’s Twitter and Facebook. While the latter has been around for a few years more than the former, Twitter has rapidly made a name for itself. Now that Twitter has become such a huge part of social media, the question that arises is where does Twitter place in the ad game? Apparently, very high.
According to recent studies, Twitter ads are doing exceptionally better than Facebook ads. Specifically, the average amount of links clicked on Twitter is 19 per user whereas Facebook comes in at a measly 3. But why? A good guess is that Twitter is simply easier to use. It allows for quicker communication, despite that communication being limited to 140 characters. Another reason could be URL shrinkers. They make the links easier to post and quicker to access.
The take away here is that Twitter is currently outpacing Facebook for shared links. This means that if you want to get people clicking links to your site, Twitter is the place to be. Make your tweets fun, interesting, and relevant and you should have no problem getting people to notice them.
Internet Beacon
Internet Marketing Maryland

Tags: Facebook, marketing, seo, Social Media, Twitter Posted in Advertising, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO | 1 Comment »
Thursday, September 23rd, 2010
Hello there! Welcome to the Internet Beacon’s awesome weblog. If you’re here for SEO tips for small businesses, you’ve come to the right place.
Marketing is something that all businesses need. Whether you use flyers to notify people of your awesome new lemonade stand or skywriting to attract people to the sweet new laser tag center you’ve opened, you need to get people to notice your business. Here at the Internet Beacon, we specialize in Internet Marketing. Now, that means we focus on how to get people to see your website. From there, we then need to convert them to leads. Post Click Marketing comes into play here.
PCM is an emerging trend in Internet Marketing that focuses on turning those visitors into valuable customers. This is done through constant analysis of site visitor data. There are several ways to do this. Keywords are a great place to start. You can track who is coming to your site and, importantly, what keywords they are using to find it. This lets you know how your SEO is working and what needs to be tweaked.
Another focal point of PCM is
Marketing is something that all businesses need. Whether you use flyers to notify people of your awesome new lemonade stand or skywriting to attract people to the sweet new laser tag center you’ve opened, you need to get people to notice your business. Here at the Internet Beacon, we specialize in Internet Marketing. Now, that means we focus on how to get people to see your website. From there, we then need to convert them to leads. Post Click Marketing comes into play here.
PCM is an emerging trend in Internet Marketing that focuses on turning those visitors into valuable customers. This is done through constant analysis of site visitor data. There are several ways to do this. Keywords are a great place to start. You can track who is coming to your site and, importantly, what keywords they are using to find it. This lets you know how your SEO is… Read the rest
Tags: get people, Internet Marketing, marketing, PCM, seo, Small Business Posted in Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO | 1 Comment »